Written by: Ankush Bhalerao

In the yellow of the pollen, look at those trees. Watch those stars. You feel oddly related to them. As if your soul knows theirs, but your brain forgot the details.

Human nature urges us to establish links. Data structures are linked in computer science to generate complex algorithms. Quantities intermingle through trees and graphs in mathematics. The world virtually ties through the internet, which comprises web pages stored in servers, connected through hyperlinks.

Mythology across the globe supports the theory of everything. It proposes that five fundamental elements: the earth, water, fire, air, and space overlap to form the body of living beings. It keeps us interconnected with others and the universe. Our actions get reflected in some form or the other, the circle gets completed.

This principle of connections also supports the idea of the butterfly effect. According to this, things combine in an incalculable manner such that a small insignificant action raises a chain of events that drastically impacts lives.

Even in nature, many linked phenomena are prevalent. The water you're drinking was once vaporing in the sky, precipitated in the form of rain, and got collected in a reservoir from where you get water supply. It will further flow to the sea, evaporate again, and the cycle continues for ages. This water correlates us to the comet, believed to have brought water to earth in a collision. To the dinosaurs, through the alimentary canal of whose, most of the water we drink has passed.

Humans prefer to stay in a society, to make bonds. The world is connected physically through roads and airways. The human brain links 100 billion neurons and amalgamates our feelings. Not only humans but also trees are affiliated. Their roots intertwine and exchange proteins. It reminds a beautiful expression from Buckminster Fuller, "To understand the world, we must first connect the disconnected."

And then there are bonds made by humans. Emotions that vividly suspend cords. A person still wipes away a tear on the playing of the favourite song of someone he loved and has passed away. Mother's love for her child makes her feel anxious even if she doesn't really know that her child far away is in trouble. No one is alone here. You are entangled; your spirits are united. With someone. With everyone. And what you call a co-incidence is a manifestation of these connections.

One should try finding these connections to feel them. Search your inner feelings then you know it to be true. Time connects. We are all associated with our ancestors. A thousand generations live in us. We feel allied to our friends through the moments of joy spent together. To the people we love, we attach through the obligations made together that cannot be reverted.

Although in this mortal world, our body associates with nothing, it's coupled to everything. Divided by land and water, we still connect by the warmth of love. Divided by religion and race, we connect with hope. Divided, by a system, which with bloodthirstiness drives the axe between human camaraderie, compelling us to hate our neighbour without knowing them because they are different from us, we yet connect with compassion, the generosity that keeps the world together. Withdraw the force from the body, from the mind, and place it into the spine to rise upward into the One Blissful spirit, and then you know everything is combined. Then you discover that kinship within one another, the unity. Get on the voyage towards the actual connectedness with these thoughts from Mystic Highway:

"Out across the constellations

There's a place behind the sun,

Everything is connected

Everything and everyone."


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